Fishing The Dream - A Year Chasing Big Fish is now available to download from Amazon for just £2.50.
Or if you prefer to flick through the pages of a book, it is available to buy in paperback also from Amazon for just £6.99.
Covering a campaign throughout the seasons, the book covers Carp, Tench, Catfish, Pike and Zander plus many more and includes several PB's along the way. It is a read that will reignite your passion in angling.
You can read a preview by following the link below.
Fishing The Dream - read preview
The Serious Blog for the Specimen Angler in association with Reel Fisherman Magazine.
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Friday, 3 November 2017
Forgotten Carp - In Search of Uncaught Carp
Forgotten Carp is now available to download from Amazon for just 0.99p. Click the link below to read a preview of the story.
It covers a short campaign in which I targeted an old estate lake for some uncaught, forgotten carp. Tactics and baits discussed as the story unfolds through the months of summer.
Forgotten Carp - Preview
It covers a short campaign in which I targeted an old estate lake for some uncaught, forgotten carp. Tactics and baits discussed as the story unfolds through the months of summer.
Forgotten Carp - Preview
Tuesday, 3 October 2017
Monday, 11 September 2017
Fishing & Family - Fun on the Float
As an angler of more than 30 years my aim whenever I set foot on the banks of my chosen venue, as well as enjoying my surroundings, is ultimately to catch fish. The only situation that can top this would be when I assist other anglers to catch, seeing the happiness on their faces is priceless. That feeling is only intensified when the other angler is someone close to you, in this instance, my son William.
Since he was born, as all parents do, I have been teaching him life skills to build his knowledge and character such as walking, saying "please" and "thank you" and I have encouraged him to enjoy the outdoors which he has embraced with open arms. So when he turned 4 I decided it was time I introduced him to a sport I have been passionate about since I was 10 years old. Accompanied by his big cousin, Isaac, who already had a few carp under his belt having been shown the ropes by my Dad (his grandfather) last summer, we planned a trip in the school holidays.
The idea was to introduce William to float fishing for silvers which would hopefully keep him entertained, while Isaac fished 2 rods using helicopter rigs for the carp that average about 4lb. As we approached the carp park which is in the grounds of an old estate house in the Monmouthshire countryside the boys were keen to get going and William spotted horses and sheep in the adjacent field.
As I unloaded the gear from the car, myself and Isaac started to gather up the bags and rods however not to be left out William insisted on carrying something to the lake, so he was allocated with taking the unhooking mat which is nice and light. The field that leads to the lake descends a gradual slope and William had a few slips and trips on the way.
William sat still, well still for him as hes such an active child, while I rigged the rods up, I cast the carp rods out for Isaac as he isnt confident enough yet to cast close to the overhanging foliage which is often the best place for a quick bite on this venue. As I turned my attention to Williams float rod one of the bite alarms burst into life however as I was tying on a small hook to complete the float set up, by the time I picked the rod up the fish was snagged in the roots of the trees that lined the far bank. It was my own fault I forgot to set the bait runner to locked up and it was easy for the carp to take line and reach its sanctuary. I had no choice but to pull for a break and the hooklink snapped, so after replacing the hooklink and rebaiting, the rod was soon recast to the same spot, this time with the bait runner done up tight!
Isaac sat close to the carp rods as I started to teach William how to hold the float rod and on out first cast the float dipped and we pulled in a pristine rudd. I was fishing about 3 feet deep in about 5 feet of water as there were plenty of rudd up in the water and with every cast half a dozen grains of sweetcorn were flicked in around the float with a single grain on the hook. I was using the rod like a whip with enough line let out o as not to use the reel, however as boys do, William could not resist turning the reel handle when the float dipped, so since then I have bought him a fishing whip which he should find easier to use on our next trip.
So it was time to hand the rod over to William and he grasped it in both hands, with a few strikes that were a bit premature finally the float dipped and he timed a strike perfectly to meet with the rudd lips. He lifted the rod and swung in his first rudd, I took the rod as he grabbed the line and held the fish up to admire it appealing colours.
It was soon Isaacs time to shine as the same rod went into action he picked the rod up and with a few pointers on the best way to hold a rod when playing a fish and few tips on adjusting the drag he soon had the carp splashing by our bank as both myself and William netted the fish. A lovely carp about 3lb was soon on the mat and both the lads held it up for a photo before gently releasing him back to the water.
William soon got the hang of feeding sweetcorn every so often when suddenly the float shot away, not like the dozen or so rudd we had already managed this fish meant business and as Isaac was sat with William at the time they both played a small carp into the waiting net, it gave a good scrap on the light float gear and I was proud of them both for staying calm as they played the fish.
The plentiful rudd kept the boys entertained in between the carp runs and William was obviously enjoying his first fishing session the excitement at seeing another rudd take his sweetcorn never wavered and in fact asked if he could stay the night! Perhaps next time I will need to take the bivvy!
Then all of a sudden the float once more shot away with vigour and it was obvious another carp had taken the single grain of corn, Isaac called for my help as we were using light line on the float set up, I took control of the rod as William held the butt section, the carp gave us a merry run around as he dived for the wooden platform before we guided it over the waiting mesh as Isaac did the netting honours. It was beautiful carp to catch on the float and a testament to lads with keeping up the feeding all day which had obviously attracted the carp into their swim.
Soon Isaac was into his third carp, a little bigger at about 4lb and he played it away from the reeds with some side strain and his use of the drag was encouraging as he did battle with a spirited common. Again William and myself were on hand to help with the net as I placed the carp on the mat. William was impressed by its size and admired the fish as it lay there in the afternoon sun.
It was the last carp of the day, 5 in total, 3 on the helicopter rigs and an uncountable number of obliging rudd fell to the float rod. My biggest concern was keeping William entertained throughout the session however not once did he complain he was bored and hopefully this is good sign for his new found love of fishing. Every fish made his face light up and having now bought him a fishing whip I am already planning his next session. It was an enjoyable day with memories that will last a life time.
Since he was born, as all parents do, I have been teaching him life skills to build his knowledge and character such as walking, saying "please" and "thank you" and I have encouraged him to enjoy the outdoors which he has embraced with open arms. So when he turned 4 I decided it was time I introduced him to a sport I have been passionate about since I was 10 years old. Accompanied by his big cousin, Isaac, who already had a few carp under his belt having been shown the ropes by my Dad (his grandfather) last summer, we planned a trip in the school holidays.
The idea was to introduce William to float fishing for silvers which would hopefully keep him entertained, while Isaac fished 2 rods using helicopter rigs for the carp that average about 4lb. As we approached the carp park which is in the grounds of an old estate house in the Monmouthshire countryside the boys were keen to get going and William spotted horses and sheep in the adjacent field.
As I unloaded the gear from the car, myself and Isaac started to gather up the bags and rods however not to be left out William insisted on carrying something to the lake, so he was allocated with taking the unhooking mat which is nice and light. The field that leads to the lake descends a gradual slope and William had a few slips and trips on the way.
So it was time to hand the rod over to William and he grasped it in both hands, with a few strikes that were a bit premature finally the float dipped and he timed a strike perfectly to meet with the rudd lips. He lifted the rod and swung in his first rudd, I took the rod as he grabbed the line and held the fish up to admire it appealing colours.
The plentiful rudd kept the boys entertained in between the carp runs and William was obviously enjoying his first fishing session the excitement at seeing another rudd take his sweetcorn never wavered and in fact asked if he could stay the night! Perhaps next time I will need to take the bivvy!
Soon Isaac was into his third carp, a little bigger at about 4lb and he played it away from the reeds with some side strain and his use of the drag was encouraging as he did battle with a spirited common. Again William and myself were on hand to help with the net as I placed the carp on the mat. William was impressed by its size and admired the fish as it lay there in the afternoon sun.

Saturday, 13 May 2017
Forgotten Carp - Planning a Campaign
time on a venue observing is just as important as time spent fishing. Not only is it enjoyable to sit in the warm
sunshine on a summers evening watching the kingfishers dart across the lake,
buzzards circling high above and the rabbits venturing out from the safety of
the hedgerow for a quick nibble on the dandelions, you also gain an idea of the
carps habits, patrol routes their numbers and size.
conditions suited I spent many hours watching the carp in the lake prior to
fishing for them. My main aim was to
roughly work out the number of carp present as my tactics would vary depending
on the stock. On sunny afternoons some
of the carp would behave as expected and visit the shallows, enjoying the warm
water, here I could observe their feeding habits. The most carp I saw at any one time was
4! They generally visited in twos or
threes, a few of these fish I could identify as the same fish on different
occasions however these areas where never “black” with fish and on days when
the conditions were perfect to see carp basking in the shallow water, I still
rarely saw more than two at a time.
Other waters
I have fished with much higher stocks of fish I have witnessed dozens of carp
in small areas of the lake as they enjoyed the summer sunshine, I guessed the
stock of this captivating water at maybe a dozen fish, I am certain I would
have observed more carp in these areas if they were present. As I was only fishing for a handful of carp I
started to put together a plan to catch them.
At the time it felt as if I was attempting to pot a snooker ball on a
table the size of a football field!
starting a campaign on your chosen water you have to decide what is going to be
your ultimate goal. Whether you are
targeting the biggest fish in the lake or simply trying to increase your catch
rate you will require a plan of attack.
For instance, if I was targeting a specific fish in a venue I would gain
as much knowledge as possible on that fish, where it is most often caught? What
bait was it caught on? What time of year did it mostly make an appearance on
the bank? In my case I had no other
anglers to exchange knowledge with, these fish had never been angled for so I had
to rely on techniques that had served me well in the past. Thankfully carp are generally creatures of
habit and behave similarly on different venues.
I had decided to catch as many of the inhabitants as possible, I had
already gained an idea of the numbers of carp in the water and had started to
build a knowledge of some of the areas they visit. The best way of finding feeding areas is by
spotting carp head and shoulder or crashing out of the water however these wily
carp rarely showed themselves and I only witnessed one carp crash out during
daylight hours and that was in a small bay just above the shallows. So with this in mind prebaiting would
probably be my best option, creating feeding areas attracting carp to my chosen
Using a
marker float and rod I spent several hours accurately finding the depth from
the margins right out towards the middle of the lake and locating any clear
areas between the weed. Although local
knowledge is always helpful I take such advice with a pinch of salt until I
have investigated the information personally.
I remember standing on the banks of a water some years ago having a
conversation with a grizzly faced seasoned angler who had been born and raised
in that particular area, he commented that an overgrown corner of the lake was
famously “bottom less!” Once the aged angler had left I was intrigued to find
out the cavernous depths on the venue. Within
3 minutes I had accurately plumbed it to just over 9 feet! Not quite what I was expecting! Local knowledge can be helpful and also
misleading and in most cases it is worth investigating personally to give yourself
peace of mind.
My venue was
fairly uniform, margins shelving down to 6 foot with around 8 foot towards the
middle of the lake with the odd deeper area reaching 9-10 feet. The shallows were 2-3 foot, a depth the carp
enjoyed on summer afternoons. Making a
detailed map of my chosen venue is something I have done since I started carp
fishing many years ago and they have proved invaluable throughout the seasons
as a reference. I will map a new water
within weeks of fishing it to help me build up a picture of the lakes features,
the rest of the season the marker rod can stay in the holdall, when I arrive in
my swim for that particular session I can refer to my map and if no fish are
showing work out the best areas to place a hook bait.
particular area on this venue was a clear patch towards the middle of the lake
which was surrounded by weed, if this was not already a feeding area I felt I
could persuade the carp to feed here away from the sanctuary of the nearby weed
The other spot that I fancied
introducing some bait into on a regular basis was a crater like area the size
of a pool table, 9 foot in depth it was a clear depression as the surrounding
depth was only 8 foot. This raised a few
questions, with the lake bed being so soft had the carp created this depression
with regular feeding here? This was
worth further investigation. These were
the two areas of the lake I decided to prebait as I did not want to bait too
many areas as I required the carp to visit more often, returning for food
once they had accepted my boilies as part of their diet.
There were
other obvious clear patches amongst the weed in the shallows however I decided
these would be best left for any opportunist fishing, mostly stalking, that
came my way during the hazy summer afternoons and not to be prebaited. I required a couple of lines of attack,
prebaiting and stalking would be my best options and believed these would give
me results and if not then reassess the situation at that point.
Time would
also be a factor, being a single parent, sessions would have to be planned in
advance and if an opportunity to go fishing presented itself my gear would have
to be ready to be loaded into the van at short notice. I had to make the most of my situation and as
I worked within a mile of the lake when time permitted during my lunch hour I
would nip to the lake to throw in my freebies knowing I had a session planned
within a few days. On my shorter day
sessions stalking would be my main tactic and the prebaited spots would be
fished during my longer sessions.
All that was
left for me to do was to start prebaiting at least a couple weeks prior to my
first session and put my plan into action, I was excited at the prospect to
hopefully tempting some uncaught forgotten carp to the bank.
To be continued……
Wednesday, 3 May 2017
Tuesday, 18 April 2017
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